Remember This Place: 31°20’46’’N 34°46’46’’E

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Stories hold dreams and they also hold memories. Remembering can be an act of rebellion and resistance to forces of erasure. A moving collection of stories from Bedouin women remembering the homes they have been forcibly removed from and the culture they are fighting to preserve.
This piece explores the fragility of what we call 'home' and the determination to preserve it. Piecing together the powerful testimonies of Bedouin women fighting to preserve their culture and history, we move between fragmented representations of their homes as the protagonists narrate their stories giving voice and texture to absence, taking up space, refusing to be erased.

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Alternate Realities Exhibition
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Alternate Realities Exhibition
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Alternate Realities Exhibition
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Alternate Realities Exhibition
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Alternate Realities Exhibition
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Alternate Realities Exhibition
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