Meet our 2024 Youth Jury

Our five Youth Jurors at the London Lab session with Asif Kapadi

Image (Left – Right): Rose Grover, Mikey Pugh, Sakura Singh Corke, filmmaker Asif Kapadi, Arabella Ladiero, Luke Dobson


We are delighted to announce our 2024 Youth Jurors for this year's edition, taking place across Sheffield, 12-17 June 2024.

Now in its 18th year, the DocFest Youth Jury Programme focuses on giving young people the chance to enter the film industry. It gives young film enthusiasts the opportunity to meet key figures within the industry, curate a selection of films for the Festival, and select the winner of the Youth Jury Award announced at the Sheffield DocFest Awards Ceremony.

This year, following an open call, we have invited five young film enthusiasts to be on our 2024 Youth Jury:


Meet our Youth Jurors

Headshot of Arabella Ladiero


Arabella Ladiero (she/her)

Arabella Ladiero is a freelance writer and film student at the University of Warwick, passionate about subversive youth cultures and using film as a medium to communicate radical messages. She hopes to amplify the diasporic voices of her British-Asian community, whilst highlighting the experiences of the working class within it. 

What are you most looking forward to?

"I am ecstatic to be on this year’s Youth Jury! I am most looking forward to being surrounded by the many creative voices that are at the forefront of documentary filmmaking and hopefully talking directly to this year’s directors in Q&A sessions."


Headshot of Rose Grover


Rose Grover (she/they)

Rose, originally from Sheffield but currently studying at Saint Martins, loves making live and video art. They are interested in incorporating group art practices within documentaries and using their creation process as a tool for consciousness raising and freedom of expression. 

What are you most looking forward to?

"I’m really looking forward to watching as many documentaries as I can at the festival, especially hybrid films which I’m really excited by. I'm also looking forward to being in Sheffield during the festival, it's so fun to be in the city centre when there's so much going on."


Headshot of Mikey Pugh


Mikey Pugh (they/them)

Originally from Birmingham, Mikey is a Film and TV student studying at Sheffield Hallam. They are currently pursuing a career as a producer in drama and documentary film and television productions.

What are you most looking forward to?

"After meeting my fellow jurors, I am really excited to see the films and start the discussion of what films we be included in our selection. It is a privilege to get to see the best of new documentaries."


Headshot of Sakura Singh Corke


Sakura Singh Corke (she/her)

Sakura is a scouser currently living in Sheffield who recently graduated with a BA in Politics. She has a particular interest in the colonial and imperialist legacies remaining in the UK and worldwide. She has previous experience in journalism and theatre and is hoping to combine these passions with documentaries to explore her curiosity about the world.

What are you most looking forward to?

"I am most looking forward to seeing creativity in Sheffield flourish and seeing people from all over the globe gather together to celebrate documentaries. I am excited to work with the other youth jurors who have a range of insights and skills, as well as collaborating and networking with other attendees at the festival."

Headshot of Luke Dobson


Luke Dobson (he/him)

Luke currently works in Creative Media, alongside tutoring English. From his years of freelance experience, he is well versed on film & video sets, primarily factual productions, interviews & live performances. Luke had a directorial documentary work screened across UK festivals and has a portfolio of video material for clients across the country. 

What are you most looking forward to?

"I feel so lucky to be working behind the scenes at such an important festival. It's an unmatched opportunity to engage with contemporary documentaries and draw inspiration from the diverse range of films in selection. I'm excited for my voice to shape an emerging critical consensus representing young people."



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