Published on 8 May
Join us here in Sheffield for the 29th edition of the Festival, taking place 23-28 June 2022. Get access to the full festival programme of films, exhibitions, talks, panels, industry sessions and live pitches, networking events and parties.
Are you a member or alumni of one of the organisations listed below? We have a limited number of Standard Festival Passes available at a discounted rate, to be redeemed by Monday 16 May 2022. Get in touch with your organisation rep, or look out for their newsletter, to find out how to redeem your discount.
Allianz Deutscher Produzenten Film & TV
DAE - Documentary Association of Europe
DPA - Documentary Producers Alliance
Eave - European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs
EWA - European Women's Audiovisual Network
ICO Women's Leadership Programme
The TV Festival - Ones To Watch Alumni
Scottish Documentary Institute
South Yorkshire Filmmakers Network
Women in Film and Television (WFTV)