Roger Ross Williams on Social Impact Documentaries

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In this in-depth talk, Sheffield DocFest Guest of Honour Roger Ross Williams will engage with the directors and producers of programme titles Sugarcane, The Battle for Laikipia, Union, Daughters and Stone Mountain.

With the filmmakers of his chosen films, Roger Ross Williams will discuss the importance of championing social issue documentaries that shine a light on injustice, and of providing much-needed context in an increasingly polarised and heavily propagandised world. The films serve as examples of effective engagement by filmmakers from different backgrounds – each bringing their unique life experiences to the table. They provide both perspectives and a platform that chart a course towards the healing and strengthening of communities.

Content Guidance: Work contains references to racism


Natalie Rae (Director, Daughters)

Daphne Marziaraki (Producer, The Battle of Laikipia)

Peter Murimi (Director, The Battle of Laikipia)

Kellen Quinn (Producer, Sugarcane)

Supported by Netflix

In this show

Public Talk
75 mins

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Roger Ross Williams on Social Impact Documentaries
Crucible Playhouse
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